Setting up Mailjet for Spindle Report Scheduler
This guide can be used to set up Mailjet ready to use Spindle Report Scheduler specifically for sites where the use of an app password is not available, or not appropriate.
Part of this guide will need to be set up by the customer, and the correct details will need to be shared with Draycir/Business partners to allow connectivity through Tools.
To be done by the customer:
- Go to and create an account, ensure you click any verification emails you may receive
- Once your account is verified, log into the account at
- Once the dashboard opens, open the menu at the top right and navigate to account settings:
- On the account page you will want to click the link for “Add a domain or sender address” in the Senders and Domains options:
- Scroll down on the page that opens to the “Sender Addresses” settings, click the “Add a sender address on the top right of this:
- On the window that pops up enter a label of your choice (eg Shannon’s email) and type in the email address you want to send from for Spindle Report Scheduler, you can choose either newsletter or both/I don’t know from the options at the bottom of the window. Once this is all filled out, click add at the bottom right:
- You will now receive an email to the email you provided, asking for confirmation that you want to use this email to send things through Mailjet. This needs to be confirmed/accepted before proceeding through this process.
What you need to provide us with
Once all the above is complete, you will need to go back to your account settings by clicking the top right dropdown with your name, and choosing the account settings menu option:
This time, we will still go to the Senders and Domains option box – but now we need to open the SMTP and SEND API settings
On this page you will see your credentials and the basic Mailjet configuration settings. We will need your API key and secret key, as your secret key may be hidden on this page you may need to click the “See All API Credentials” button
You will be forwarded to a page where you can now click the eye button next to the API key and the secret key to send these to us.
If you forget to note these down, you will need to reset them using the setting wheel to the right as the Secret key is only shown once. Any existing softwares connected to Mailjet will need the new secret key to be entered. It is important to not reset these if it can be avoided, so please keep the secret key somewhere safe.
When contacting Draycir following this set up, please ensure you send us the following to allow us to configure the software correctly:
- The email address used to set up the “Sender Address” section of this guide
- The API key and Secret Key, which is located by following this guide