
When logging in to Credit Hound or Credit Hound Manager with the correct user credentials (and you have confirmed the user credentials), you see one of the following errors :

"No user exists with the supplied username and password" (v6.0.0 - 6.1.2)

"Failed to communicate with the Credit Hound Web API authentication endpoint" (v6.2.0 and above) 

Additionally, the CreditHoundWebAPI Application Pool may have stopped, as can be seen in IIS Manager:

Applies to

  • Credit Hound v6


The cause of this problem is that Sharepoint has set a setting  that prevents 64-bit and 32-bit modules from running in the correct manner.

Credit Hound v6 server is installed on the same server as SharePoint

When SharePoint is installed to a server, it will set a global IIS setting which conflicts with Credit Hound's ability to connect to the Web API. In this case we need to ensure SPNativeRequestModule is only loaded when the application pool is running in Integrated Mode and 64-bit application mode. If it is not set correctly, you will see the following windows errors in the Event viewer:

To change this, run the following command in an elevated command prompt to update the global module configuration:

"%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd.exe" set config -section:system.webServer/globalModules /[name='SPNativeRequestModule'].preCondition:integratedMode,bitness64

Further reading