
This article describe Draycir's Legacy PayThem functionality, which will become End-Of-Life in April 2024

Applies to

Credit Hound Professional


To add a SagePay or Worldpay button you will need 

  • Spindle Professional v6.13 or later - we recommend Spindle Document Distribution v7 
  • a PayThem licence key, obtainable from your partner via - Please specify if this is to be used with Sagepay (now Opayo) or with WorldPay
  • Your SagePay / Worldpay account details (Vendor ID, Merchant ID etc)

Update the Credit Hound Letter

You will then need to add the following commands to the Credit Hound letters:

In the Letter's Header section, add the following commands as applicable:

SagePay Commands

##ACCOUNTREF [Account.Reference]##
##DOCUMENTNO CHL-[CurrentDateAndTime!ddMMyyyy]##
##AMOUNT [ChasedAmount!0.00]##
##CURRENCY [Account.Currency.IsoCode]##
##VAR31 [Account.AddressLine1]##
##VAR32 [Account.AddressLine2]##
##VAR33 [Account.AddressLine3]##
##VAR34 [Account.AddressLine5]##
##VAR35 [Account.Country]##
##ERPCOMPANY [Company.Name]##
##VAR36 [Account.Contact.Name]##
##VAR37 [Account.AddressLine1]##
##VAR38 [Account.AddressLine2]##
##VAR39 [Account.AddressLine3]##
##VAR40 [Account.AddressLine5]##
##VAR41 [Account.Country]##

WorldPay Commands

##ACCOUNTREF [Account.Reference]##
##DOCUMENTNO CHL-[CurrentDateAndTime!ddMMyyyy]##
##AMOUNT [ChasedAmount!0.00]##
##CURRENCY [Account.Currency.IsoCode]##
##BILLADD1 [Account.AddressLine1]##
##BILLADD2 [Account.AddressLine2]##
##BILLCITY [Account.AddressLine3]##
##BILLCOUNTY [Account.AddressLine4]##
##BILLPOSTCODE [Account.AddressLine5]##
##BILLCOUNTRY [Account.Country]##
##ERPCOMPANY [Company.Name]##
##NAME [Account.Contact.Name]##
##BILLTEL [Account.Contact.Telephone]##
##BILLFAX [Account.Contact.Fax]##
##BILLEMAIL [Account.Contact.Email]##


At the position the button is required, add:



Configure the Distribution

In Spindle Document Distribution Tools>Integration Manager, create either a SagePay or Worldpay integration, with either a Vendor Name & Encryption Password (SagePay) or an InstallationID and Merchant code (Worldpay)


Select the button colour 


Finally, add the integration service to the Document Automation


The letters will be created with the PayNow button added. You can also use ##PAYTHEMURL## to encode a link to the payment service page:  

Related ProductCredit Hound
Ref NumberKBA-03-02-027
Document Date27/11/2018
Original AuthorVince Hodgson
Document Versionv1.0
Last updated27/11/2018
Update AuthorVince Hodgson