KBA-07-02-02 - Configuring Company Settings

Modified on Thu, 23 Mar, 2023 at 10:55 AM

Company Settings allow you to configure global settings for the current company in Credit Hound. 

Administrators Only!
You need to be an administrator to access Company Settings. If you are not an administrator then this option will not be available to you.

How to get to Company Settings

Company Settings can be found under the Settings cog icon in the top-right hand corner of the screen. Click on the icon and when the menu appears click on Company Settings. 

How to get to Company Settings

Configuration Settings

This area allows you to solve issues with your connection, disconnect from your accounting system or perform a manual synchronization.

Why Can't I See This In Credit Hound?
Configuration Settings are only available for cloud based accounting systems such as Sage Business Cloud Accounting or Sage Intacct.

Accounting Connector

In the Accounting Connector section, you can see the cloud accounting system you have linked Credit Hound with and the Status of the connection to your accounting system. 

Configuration SettingsIf there is a successful connection to the accounting system, the Status will show Active.

Communication Issue

If Credit Hound cannot communicate with the cloud accounting system, a warning will display against the Status advising there is a problem. To resolve the issue, click the Login button which allows you to re-authenticate with accounting system.


You can remove the connection to your accounting system by clicking on the Disconnect button. This will stop Credit Hound synchronizing your accounting data. If you wish to reconnect Credit Hound click the Login button and follow the on-screen instructions to re-authenticate the connection to the accounting system.

Disconnecting from your accounting systems does not stop Credit Hound from automatically chasing your customers using the information it already has. You will need to disable automatic chasing by configuring your Collection Paths.

Perform Manual Sync

Manual Sync

Credit Hound automatically syncs to your accounts system periodically throughout the day. The last successful synchronization date and time next is displayed next to the Sync button.

At times you may have updated your accounting system (e.g. added new contacts, amended email addresses, added new transactions etc.) and require access to those changes in Credit Hound straight away. To do this you can perform a manual sync. Click the Sync button to start a manual synchronization of your accounting data

When pressing the sync button you may see this message:
If you attempt to click the Sync button and synchronize within 30 minutes of your last successful sync, Credit Hound will display an information message advising you cannot perform a Sync just yet and will have to wait.

Synchronization Time Restriction
The Sync button can only be clicked once every 30 minutes after the last synchronization has completed successfully .

This area allows you to configure the global settings for Collection Paths and how you can configure where Email Replies from your customers are sent to. Any changes made here will take effect across all users.

Email Settings

Email Settings

Collection Paths

Collection Paths allows Credit Hound to chase your customers by automatically sending emails. This section allows you to define who the emails are sent as. 

From NameThe email display name that the recipient sees. This value is also used within the custom field {{senderName}} which is shown by default at the bottom of emails to denote the sender.
From EmailThis will be used as the prefix part of the from email address. All emails sent from Credit Hound will be sent as [youremail]@credithoundcloud.com.
Email From Address vs Email Reply Address

The Email From Address is the address that outgoing Credit Hound emails are sent from. This is what is displayed to your customers in the From field inside their email client. For example, if your email address was accounts@draycir.com, the email address used when sending Collection Path emails would be accounts-draycir-com@credithoundcloud.com.

The Email Reply Address is the address that replies are sent back to and what is displayed to your customers when they click Reply in their email client. In Credit Hound, replies can either be sent back to Credit Hound or to your email client. See the Email Replies section below for more information on this.

Cc and Bcc email addresses into Collection Path emails

You can also specify email addresses that you would like to be Cc'd and Bcc'd into all outgoing emails sent via Collection Paths. Add new Cc recipients by typing out the recipient email address. You can add more than one email address by hitting Enter or Tab. Alternatively, you can use a semicolon or comma after each address.

Delete any recipients by clicking the 'X' icon next to them.

Follow the same steps for recipients that you would like to be Bcc'd into all outgoing emails sent via Collection Paths.

Email Replies

By default, if a customer replies to an email sent by Credit Hound, the reply email is captured and display in Credit Hound (e.g. in the Incoming Emails screen in the Communications area, or on the Customer Screen in the Activity panel). This is achieved by setting the reply-to address of the email to [unique-identifier]@credithoundcloud.com.

Enabling this option stops reply emails being sent to Credit Hound and instead sends them directly to the email address specified in the Email field for automated emails or the email address you use when logging into Credit Hound for manual emails. This means you will have to view the replies in your usual email client (Outlook, Gmail etc.), rather than Credit Hound. 

By enabling this option, all email replies will be sent to your email client directly and will not appear in Credit Hound.
Save Your Changes
Remember to click the Save button to save your changes before leaving this page!

Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductCredit Hound Cloud
Ref NumberKBA-07-02-02
Document Date29/02/2020
Original Authorhttps://docs.credithoundcloud.com
Document Version1.0
Last updated18/07/2022
Update AuthorShannon Walker

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