
In some cases you may want to configure an SMTP setting for multiple users within RDS server farm, doing this for Individual users would be time consuming. The following steps can be taken to set up multiples users in an efficient manner without logging in as each user. 

Applies to

Spindle Pro 6


On the machine which has the SMTP configured we recommend exporting the following key out and importing this to the other cluster servers. This by default will then set the connector to use SMTP


The secondary key below, contains the information for the SMTP settings i.e connection strings and passwords so they all can be exported to the other clusters/RDS



Once these keys have been exported they can be imported into the various RDS servers.

Related Product SDC/SDM
Ref Number KBA-01-02-021
Document Date 01-02-2018
Original Author Vijay Mistry
Document Version v1.0
Last updated  01-02-2018
Update Author  Vijay Mistry