
When Spindle Document Distribution is installed to a shared server such as a Terminal Services server or Citrix server, its default installation will launch the Spindle Document Distribution Monitor at every user logon to that server. Where the server users and the Spindle Document Distribution users are one and the same group, this presents no problem. However if the number of Spindle Document Distribution users is a subset of the server users, this can cause problems as the licences are allocated.

Versions Applicable

  • Spindle Professional 2007
  • Spindle Professional 2009
  • Spindle Professional 2012
  • Spindle Professional 6
  • Spindle Document Distribution (Standalone)

The TSConfig Utility

To resolve the issue outlined in the introduction, Draycir have created the TSConfig utility, which is saved in the Program Files folder, 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Spindle Professional 6\SpindleProMonitorTSConfig.exe


C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\SpindleDocDistributionTSConfig.exe

Manually changing these settings

The utility is a graphical interface to modify the following Registry keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

The utility removes A registry Key/Value pair named "Spindle [Product Name] Manager" with a string value containing the path to the Spindle Document Distribution Monitor executable is either added or removed from one of these locations.


The TS Config utility needs to be run with the correct user credentials for it to work. To modify the Local Machine, the utility must be run by an admin user. To modify the user section, the utility must be run as the user affected. In certain circumstances, typically following an upgrade from Spindle Professional 2012 to v6, the utility cannot locate the Registry key/value pairs by name, as they are named for the version of Spindle Professional. In these cases you need to modify the registry manually.

Related Product
Spindle Professional
Ref Number
Document Date
Original Author
Zak Rangara
Document Version
Last updated
Update Author
Vince Hodgson