Applies to

Credit Hound v3 - 5

Credit Hound v6


Credit Hound has a number of levels of automation that can be applied to chasing accounts:

  • Manual Chasing of individual customers
  • Batch chasing by rules (semi-automatic chasing)
  • Self Chasing

Self Chasing can be set with one of three further levels of user interaction:

  • Display results to user 
  • Show notification in the system tray
  • Run silently

Draycir recommends that users start by running rules manually, then progress to using self chasing when they are content that the rules are configured to their requirements. It is then recommended to proceed in steps, by displaying the Self Chasing results to the user, then progressing to silent chasing.

Enabling Self Chasing

Self Chasing must be enabled for the Credit Hound company and also for the Windows user.

1) Enable Self Chasing for this company in Credit Hound Manager>Company>Configuration>[Select company]>Connect>Self Chasing

This checkbox sets a flag in the configuration database, configuration.mdb, stored in the Credit Hound shared folder.

2) Enable Self Chasing for this Windows user in Credit Hound Manager>Setup>Self Chasing

Enabling this checkbox adds a Registry key/value pair to the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" that will launch the Self Chasing Executable on user login

The path for this executable varies depending on the version of Credit Hound installed. In v5 and earlier, it is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Credit Hound\Credit Hound Self Chasing.exe"

In v6 and above, it is located in: 

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Credit Hound\Client\Credit Hound Self Chasing.exe"


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Credit Hound\Server\Credit Hound Self Chasing.exe"

Please note: An upgrade from v5 and earlier to v6 and above may not update this registry key. If you experience any issues with self-chasing following an upgrade, then please amend the path above as applicable.

This executable runs in the background and will check every 5 minutes (by default) to see if the sequence should run. If so, it will run the rules specified in turn.