
Upgrading Credit Hound is a simple process of making backups and running the installer over the top.

Versions Applicable

  • Credit Hound Express for Sage 50 - All Versions


1. Make a backup of the Credit Hound Data folder. This folder is centralised and installations of Credit Hound all point to this folder. To find the path to this folder, open up Credit Hound Manger > Setup > Configuration Settings and the Shared path should be displayed there.

2. Run the installer over the top of the current installation of Credit Hound. Ensure the Credit Hound Data folder is picked up from the existing installation. Click "Yes" and then "Next" to proceed with Upgrade.

3. Open Credit Hound and click "Yes" to upgrade the database when prompted. This will stop other instances of Credit Hound from working until they also upgrade to the same version. The database upgrade prompt will only appear on the instance that's first upgraded. This upgrade need be done only once. A pop up window should appear advising that the upgrade was carried out successfully.