
When trying to activate a subscription licence for Spindle Document Management, the "Activate product" button will be greyed-out:

If you cannot get to this screen, do not follow the steps in this KBA.

If there are licence details already visible in this screen and the expiry date and/or number of users are correct, please check with the Draycir accounts team to see when the subscription licence was last activated to confirm if the licence is already in place. If so, no action will need to be taken.


This issue has two likely causes:

1. The client was previously using a version of Spindle Document Management below v8.15 which used the legacy licence key, and the licence information was retained following an upgrade or migration.

2. The activation key has already been applied to the site.


To allow the activation code to be input, the existing licence information must be removed.

Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Capture\Server\Data and take a backup copy of the file Configuration.xml.

Please ensure that a backup is taken before making the below changes.

After the backup, please open Configuration.xml and remove the entire section marked SubscriptionVersion:

After this section has been removed, please restart the Spindle Document Capture services and then close and restart Server Administration. 

Please open the Licence screen again and attempt to activate the licence again. An error message may appear when first attempting this, but this will not appear the second time it is clicked.

If the activation key you are applying has already been used, please contact

Related ProductSpindle Document Management
Ref NumberKBA-05-03-020
Document Date15/09/2021
Original AuthorMatthew Perry
Document Versionv1.0
Last updated 15/09/2021
Update Author Matthew Perry