
Draycir have introduced a new connection method for Stripe, which we recommend using over the legacy Stripe connector to leverage the features of Stripe Connect 


In order to complete the Stripe to Stripe Connect migration we will need to complete the following:

Please note before setting up Stripe Connect you will need from the customer the Account details from the Stripe Payment portal

  1. Login into the Draycir PayThem Portal with an administrator account.
  2. Disable the current Stripe account (This needs to be done 1st before adding the Stripe connect details to the portal
  3. Save Configuration
  4. Once the account is disabled then it can be disconnected
  5. Save the configuration
  6. Rename the old configuration and again save configuration
  7. IMPORTANT: This must be done before creating the new Stripe Provider
  8. Add the a new provider configuration and choose Stripe. 
  9. Sign in to Stripe and select the existing Stripe account from the list provided. Do not create a new account.
  10. Once returned to the portal, set the provider as the default (if required) and Save the configuration