
When running the installer for Spindle Document Distribution/Spindle Document Management Client, the installer will yield the below error when attempting to download the Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package:

Applies to

  • Spindle Document Management v7
  • Spindle Document Management v8
  • Spindle Document Distribution v8


This is the result of a change in the download URL by Microsoft. The URL provided in the installer results in a 404 error.


This dependency has been removed from version 8.22 of Spindle Document Management and version 9.1 of Spindle Document Distribution.

If you are installing an earlier version, please try the steps below:

Please close the Spindle Document Distribution installer, and run the standalone installer vcredist_x86.exe for Visual C++ 2010 (x86)

This can be downloaded from the link in

You will need to log in with a Microsoft Account to access this site, a free account can be created from the link at the top of the above Microsoft page.

Alternatively, the file is attached below. Please try the installer attached to this KBA prior to logging a support ticket.

Once the redistributable package is installed, run the Spindle Document Distribution installer to complete the installation.

KBA Details

Related ProductSpindle Document Distribution
Ref NumberKBA-01-03-034
Document Date22-04-2021
Original AuthorMatthew Perry
Document Versionv1.2
Last updated22-09-2021
Update AuthorMatthew Perry