KBA-01-03-001 - NDR from Mails Sent from Drafts
KBA-01-03-039 Exchange Connector Error following Microsoft Basic Authentication update
KBA-01-03-002 - Spindle Professional Not Reading ##Commands on Windows 8 or Server 2012
KBA-01-03-003 - Spindle Professional v6 Generated PDFs require password to open
KBA-01-03-004 - E-Printer Runner - Invalid Parameters
KBA-01-03-005 - No Split Data Found On First Page
KBA-01-03-006 - Spindle Professional v6 PDFs on Mac OSX
KBA-01-03-007 - Installation can fail with Windows Installer Coordinator Error
KBA-01-03-008 - Unable to Load PDF Library
KBA-01-03-009 - Printer Agent is Missing