
When processing a document through Spindle Professional, the process halts with a warning that no split data was found.

Applies to

Spindle Professional, all versions


Spindle Professional allows the user to define a “split variable”, which lets the software know that a new document is to be created. Typically this will be a customer account number or a document number. This feature is what allows a batch print of documents to be split to the correct recipients.

If a split variable is defined in Spindle Professional Tools, (Document Automation>[Document Type]>[Operation]>Settings), and Spindle Professional does not read this variable on the first page, then the process will halt as a security measure (to prevent, for example, an entire invoice run being sent to the first customer).


There are two possible causes for this issue:

1)      The split data variable does not exist on the report design

2)      The split data variable is empty

To troubleshoot, please check the Spindle Professional Processor log file. The ##Command…##s are all listed near the top of the log:

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING ProcessCommand

20150824.102654 04: Adding command to list 'CFG invoice' 3 2

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING UpdateEMFRecords

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING ProcessCommand

20150824.102654 04: Adding command to list 'COMPANY Homestyle Kitchens' 3 2

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING UpdateEMFRecords

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING ProcessCommand

20150824.102654 04: Adding command to list 'VAR1 HSK001' 3 2

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING UpdateEMFRecords

20150824.102654 04: ENTERING ProcessCommand

20150824.102654 04: Adding command to list 'VAR2 INV12345' 3 2


If the command is not listed here at all, then it needs to be added to the report to be printed. If it is listed here but is empty, then please check that the database field is set correctly in the report layout.