When the wizard is completed, a registry key gets copied to the users registry hive. If this wizard reappears on every log on, it will be because the Spindle Professional Monitor executable is launched AND the value of Printer Setup in the Windows Registry does not match between:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\Generic
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\Generic
Note 1: If on 32-bit WIndows, omit Wow6432Node
Note 2: If using Spindle Professional v6, 2012, or 2009, the name of the product in the path will differ as appropriate.
Applies to
Spindle Document Management v7 and later
(for Spindle Professional please see: KBA-01-02-007)
Spindle Document Distribution
The key is located in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\Generic
and is called 'Printer Setup'
This key needs copying to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\Generic
If the key exists in the current user hive for the user then the set-up wizard will no longer appear.
Depending on the configuration of the Citrix environment, you may find that the problem recurs when the user logs off and reconnects. This is due to a Citrix setting that reverts any registry changes to a stored copy. If this is the case you will need to ensure that the changes made to the registry are saved back to this stored copy too. You will need to contact the system administrator for that.
If this is in a load-balanced server environment, the 'Printer Setup' key value will need to be copied to all other machines to prevent the wizard from re-appearing when the user logs in to the other servers.
Knowledge Base Article Details
Related Product | Spindle Document Distribution |
Ref Number | KBA-05-02-001 |
Document Date | 29/03/2017 |
Original Author | Vince Hodgson |
Document Version | v1.1 |
Last updated | 30/08/2019 |
Update Author | Vince Hodgson |