
When the wizard is completed, a registry key gets copied to the users registry hive. If this wizard reappears on every log on, then a registry key needs to be copied over to another directory.

Applies to

Spindle Professional 2005-2012 and v6 

(for Spindle Document Management please see: KBA-05-02-001)


The key is located in:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Draycir\Spindle Professional\Generic

and is called 'Printer Setup'

This key should be copied to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Draycir\Spindle Professional\Generic

If the key exists in the current user hive for the user then the set-up wizard will no longer appear.

Related ProductSpindle Professional
Ref NumberKBA-01-02-00
Document Date13/06/2017
Original AuthorVince Hodgson
Document Versionv1.0
Last updated 30/11/2017
Update Author Vince Hodgson