Updated: 23rd July 2018


In July 2018, Microsoft issued security updates for Windows 2012R2 and Windows 2016 for certain .Net framework components. One of these updates has caused issues for a number of third party applications, including Spindle Document Management.


Following the update of Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2016 to include MS Update reference KB4338815, users may see an error when printing:

Identifying the issue

First confirm that the SDC Services are running on the server using the services.msc console. If they are, launch Spindle Document Distribution Tools on the server. If the licence information is displayed correctly you do not have this issue. In this case please see KBA-05-03-006 for resolution.

If the licence key in Spindle Document Distribution Tools shows as Invalid, please check if the Microsoft update KB4338815 has been installed. If so, check the Web server logs located on the SDM server at : C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Capture\Server\Logs\Draycir.WebApi.YYYY-MM-DD.log. You will see this following exception on affected systems:

07/12/2018 10:57:12 0000000b EXCEPTION:
System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography, Version=5.0.505.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. An API call exited abnormally.

This issue has two symptoms - the user gets an error regarding the service and the SDD tools displays Invalid Licence. We can use this latter as a test to ensure the issue is resolved.


The windows update referenced above appears to have changed a component that is cached and is required by the SDC IIS Application Pools.


Windows 2012 R2

  • Ensure that the server is fully patched with the latest Microsoft Updates and the server has been restarted.

Windows 2016

  • Re-run the SDM Server installer. If you require a specific version of the SDM Server installer please contact Draycir Support.
  • Restart the IIS Application Pools SDCWebAPI, SDCAdmin, SDCWebUI.


  • Force a recompile of the Application Pools - Please contact Draycir Support for this process.

Related Product
Spindle Document Distribution
Ref Number
Document Date
Original Author
Vince Hodgson
Document Version
Last updated
Update Author
Vince Hodgson