
Since Windows 8 and Server 2012, the feature .net Framework 3.5 is not enabled by default. It is, however a requirement for Spindle Document Distribution and Spindle Document Management.

If you see any of the symptoms listed in the section below, please ensure that .net Framework 3.5 is enabled as a Windows feature.

Enable the feature

Windows 8-10 - Client OS

On Windows 10 this can be found in Control Panel>Programs & Features>Turn Windows Features On/Off:

Windows Server 2012-2019 - Server OS

On Windows Server this is added using the wizard in Server Management


If this feature is not installed, you will see problems with the following features:

SDC Linker

Using SDC Archives or ##SDCATTACH## will fail, and the Spindle Document Distribution Processor log file will show "Failed to initialise SDC Linker component"


The Processor will fail to add a PayNow button to the documents and will advise that there is a problem with the VendorID

Spindle Document Distribution Tools

Saving data in Spindle Document Distribution Tools>Integration Manager is not possible. The user interface does not allow you to click away from the currently selected paythem Integration


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Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductSpindle Document Distribution, Spindle Document Management
Ref NumberKBA-01-02-029
Document Date24-04-2020
Original AuthorVince Hodgson
Document Versionv1.1
Last updated 28-04-2020
Update Author Vince Hodgson