Spindle Document Distribution allows you to configure a PayNow button that can be added to outgoing emailed documents, and a URL that can be used in the body of an outgoing email.
Applies To
Spindle Document Distribution v7 and later
Spindle Document Management v7 and later
To allow Spindle Document Distribution to generate the correct URL to use for the button you need:
- A Spindle Document Distribution Licence key with WorldPay enabled - email to request this
- A WorldPay account with a Merchant ID and an Installation ID
A) Add commands to the Document Layout for the following commands, populating them with the correct database fields:
Add these commands to the layout's header
For Sage 200:
"##NAME " + SOPInvCredAddresses.Contact + "## ##AMOUNT " + FormatString("{0:f2}",SOPInvoiceCredits.InvoicedGrossValue) + "## ##ACCOUNTREF " + SLCustomerAccounts.CustomerAccountNumber + "## ##CURRENCY " + SYSCurrencyISOCodes.SYSCurrencyISOCodeID + "## ##DOCUMENTNO " + SOPInvoiceCredits.DocumentNo + "## ##ERPCOMPANY " + SYSCompanies.CompanyName + "## ##BILLADD1 " + SOPInvCredAddresses.AddressLine1 + "## ##BILLADD3 " + SOPInvCredAddresses.AddressLine2 + "## ##BILLADD3 " + SOPInvCredAddresses.AddressLine3 + "## ##BILLPOSTCODE " + SOPInvCredAddresses.PostCode + "## ##BILLCOUNTRY " + SYSCountryCodes2.Code + "##"
For Credit Hound:
##ACCOUNTREF [Account.Reference]## ##DOCUMENTNO CHL-[CurrentDateAndTime!ddMMyyyy]## ##AMOUNT [ChasedAmount!0.00]## ##CURRENCY [Account.Currency.IsoCode]## ##BILLADD1 [Account.AddressLine1]## ##BILLADD2 [Account.AddressLine2]## ##BILLCITY [Account.AddressLine3]## ##BILLCOUNTY [Account.AddressLine4]## ##BILLPOSTCODE [Account.AddressLine5]## ##BILLCOUNTRY [Account.Country]## ##ERPCOMPANY [Company.Name]## ##NAME [Account.Contact.Name]## ##BILLTEL [Account.Contact.Telephone]## ##BILLFAX [Account.Contact.Fax]## ##BILLEMAIL [Account.Contact.Email]##
Then add ##PAYTHEM## at the place on the layout you want the button to appear
2) Set up the Integration as described in the help file in section 7.5 ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Spindle Document Management\Spindle Document Distribution Client\Help\Spindle Document Distribution.pdf")
The Merchant Code and Installation ID can be obtained by logging in to the Worldpay portal.
Note, the PayThem functionality requires that dotnet3.5 is enabled on the PC, if you have any errors, then ensure that this is installed in Add/remove Programs>Windows Features - see KBA 01-03-029 for details
Knowledge Base Article Details
Related Product | Spindle Document Distribution, Spindle Document Management |
Ref Number | KBA-02-02-042 |
Document Date | 26-05-2021 |
Original Author | Vince Hodgson |
Document Version | v1.0 |
Last updated | 26-05-2021 |
Update Author | Vince Hodgson |