Upgrading from Spindle Professional and/or Spindle Document Capture to Spindle Document Management


IMPORTANT NOTE: (29/3/2019): Please see the addditional notes at the end of the article for migration to SDM v8.

As Draycir products are continually being updated and improved to support newer environments, we may find that we need to upgrade an existing implementation of Spindle Professional (up to version 6) or Spindle Document Capture (version 1) to the Spindle Document Management, which encompasses Spindle Document Distribution and Spindle Document Capture (version 7). We often find that the upgrade of Draycir software is linked with a server upgrade or migration and also an upgrade to the Sage 200 ERP software.

The process for the upgrade can be described with the following steps:

  1. Back up the configuration settings of Spindle Professional and Spindle Document Capture
  2. Install SDM into the new environment or upgrade the existing environment
  3. Restore the data backed up in stage 1
  4. Update the data for the new applications

Applies to

Spindle Professional 2009

Spindle Professional 2012

Spindle Professional v6

Spindle Document Capture v1.x

Spindle Document Management v7

Spindle Document Management v8

Back Up

Spindle Professional

First we need to establish the shared folder location from Spindle Professional Tools as displayed in the “Server/Configuration” path

The folder contains the Spindle Professional configurations, we need to zip this folder to back it up in preparation to move to the new Server

Spindle Document Capture:

First we back up the SQL database using SQL Server Management Studio:On the Application server with the Spindle Document Capture installation, please navigate to the following path:

C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Capture\Server\Data (this may be subject to change if the client has different drives for Data)

Please zip the whole folder

We also need to take a backup of the Archives (this is not always essential unless there is a server move in progress)

  1. Open up Spindle Document Capture, click on the “System Configuration” option
  2. Click the “Archive Locations” tab
  3. Backup the files located in these folders

Installing Spindle Document Management

Please see the Guide as attached (Attach the PDF)

Ensure the Zipped Copy of the Spindle Pro Folder is extracted to a location which is accessible to we can point to this when the application is being installed

By default the files will be installed in the following location (C:\ProgramData\Draycir\) 

Once you’ve installed SDM on the New Server the next step will be to migrate the Data from SDC and Spindle:

Please replace/restore the files which were backed up previously in the following locations

Restore the Darycir.SDC DB

Restore the Program Data in the following location C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Capture\Server\Data (this may be subject to change if the client has different drives for Data)

Please restore the documents which have been highlighted below

The reason why we have not restored the “DatabaseConfiguration” XML file is because this contains all the connection details to the “Old” server. When a new install of SDM is made is creates its unique XML file which contains all the information to the Server which contains the Fresh Draycir.SDC DB

We can change the location of the Archives once the Data has been migrated

Once all the files are restored to their correct location, you will need to re-start the Manage Service services

Once that has been done, please close the Server Admin tool and Re-open the application, once opened

As the Data needs to be migrated, you will see the buttons highlighted non-accessible, in this case the “migrate button” needs to be selected to complete an upgrade.

Once the migration is completed the Server Admin tool will display the buttons which were previously “greyed out”

The Database for Spindle Document Distribution element will need to be updated, in order to complete this please navigate to the following utility:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Draycir\Spindle Document Management\Spindle Document Distribution Server

If you see any errors at this stage, compare the path stored in "C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\Server\Data\Configuration.xml" against the path in the Registry under

 Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Draycir\Spindle Document Distribution\Generic

Once this task has been completed we would suggest Installing the SDM client on the Server to ensure there are no issues with the client connecting to the API to bring the license in and allow the user to print

SDM Tools:

Please proceed to test print to the Spindle Pro Auto to confirm the print process works without and issues and last process before rolling out to any other machines is to ensure the capture, print bar-code functionality works. 

Migration from SDM v7 to SDM v8

In addition to the above considerations, if you are migrating from SDM v7 to SDM v8 you may still see issues after following the above steps.

If you see an error when opening the User Profile WIndow, it may be that the user roles have been removed during the migration:

To remedy this simply click Edit User for each user and reselect the Licence Type. The default roles for that licence type will be populated.

Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductSpindle Professional, Spindle Document Capture
Ref NumberKBA-05-01-009
Document Date06/11/2018
Original AuthorVijay Mistry
Document Versionv1.3
Last Updated29/03/2019
Update AuthorVince Hodgson