KBA-11-01-002 - Upgrading SDM with SPIR during a move to a new Server (Xtract4 to 5)

Modified on Thu, 23 May, 2024 at 4:56 PM


SPIR Customers on versions 10.21 or lower will be using a base platform known as Xtract4. As of the latter part of 2024, this will become end of life. This will require upgrading customers’ SDM version to move them from one base platform to another, Xtract4 to Xtract5.

Xtract5 uses newer technology and allows Draycir's Developers more opportunities to improve the software. So your customers will benefit from increased functionality, of which the biggest improvement is they will receive automatic updates to their Web Verify software, meaning less reliance on Draycir to complete upgrades which becomes more cost-effective for you and for them.  

Our Support Team will continue to investigate SPIR queries for existing Xtract4 customers, however, if we are unable to resolve an issue then the solution will be to upgrade to Xtract5 as no further development will be taking place on Xtract4. So it is in everyone’s interest for the upgrades to be planned rather than reach a stage where it is a necessity.

If you have plans to move your Customer's Sage 200 system we recommend upgrading them to the latest version of Spindle Document Management and Spindle Purchase Invoice Recognition and as mentioned above for any customers on version 10.21 or lower this now becomes a necessity.

A. Requirements before starting the Upgrade of SDM/SPIR

  1. Email Draycir support (support@draycir.com) 7 days in advance of the upgrade to give notification so that the migration to Xtract4 to Xtract5 can be arranged to coincide with your upgrade
  2. Inform the customer they cannot use SDM/SPIR whilst the upgrade takes place
  3. All Spindle Document Management pre-requisites will need to be completed on the new server, please see this KBA for further info https://draycir.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/24000089543?portalId=6000001334
  4. The latest Spindle Document Management Server Installer.exe (obtained from the Draycir Partner Portal - https://draycir.com/portal/software#spindledocumentmanagement)
  5. The latest Spindle Document Management Client Installer.exe (obtained from the Draycir Partner Portal - https://draycir.com/portal/software#spindledocumentmanagement)
  6. SQL SA credentials (If not using Windows Authentication)
  7. Spindle Document Management Activation code (which replaces the Licence Key from v8.16 onwards)

B. Backing up components

There are five components to backup in SDM:

  1. SQL Database
  2. Archive Folder
  3. Configuration Data
  4. SpindlePro Folder
  5. Recognition Folder

Ensure no SDM user is using the application before commencing with the back ups.

1. SQL Database

The SQL database is named Draycir.SDC. This database holds the metadata of the documents and displays it when searching for documents and capturing files from the Pending Tray/Document Portal. This database also holds the required data for Spindle Professional and Spindle Document Capture to integrate with each other. Back this database up using the SQL task (right-click > Back-up).

2. Archived Documents

There are two locations where the archived documents are held. The path to the respective directories can be found in the Server Administration GUI which is typically installed on the server. Open up Server Administration > System Configuration > Archive Locations. This will display two paths for you to copy and paste into file explorer. Stop the SDC services. Once they've successfully been stopped, send both folders to individual compressed zip files. By default these folders are named Server Store and Protected Server Store. You'd then right-click Server Store > Send to > Compressed zip file and repeat this action with the Protected Server Store folder.

3. Configuration Data

This folder holds the data for user roles, archive locations, SQL database information, client and server addresses and other data for SDC to remain configured as desired. To back this folder up, log on to the server and check 'show hidden files' within file explorer. Browse to the ProgramData folder (C:\ProgramData) > Draycir > Spindle Document Capture and repeat the above action (Send to compressed zip folder).

4. SpindlePro Folder

This folder holds the configuration for Spindle Document Distribution. To back this folder up, save the folder as a compressed zip file.

5. Recognition Folder

The Recognition folder holds all of the configuration for Spindle Purchase Invoice Recognition. For a default installation the folder is installed to the following location C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Recognition, please be aware the folder may reside somewhere else if a different location was selected during the installation. To back this folder up, save the folder as a compressed zip file. 

C. Upgrading SDM & SPIR

  1. Run the Spindle Document Management server installation exe to upgrade to the latest version.
  2. At the point of installation the SPIR service account details will be required, please ensure you have the details to hand. If you are unsure of the service account being used, please open up services.msc and locate the following services, they will have a "Log On As" account listed 
  3. Once the installer has completed the upgrade, open Server Administration.
  4. Click 'Migrate Data', this will Migrate the Document Capture database to the latest database schema.
  5. If upgrading from a version of the software that was pre-8.15, the new subscription licence key (Activation Code) will need to be applied. This can be done in the Licence section, and selecting Activate Product.
  6. The final step is to check for any Document Recognition updates by running the Spindle Document Recognition Updater Tool:

Run the Spindle Document Recognition Updater Tool


D. Testing the upgrade

Confirm the upgrade has been successful by carrying out the following tasks:

  1. Check the service is running
  2. Capture a file from within Sage 200
  3. Scan a file to the pending tray/document portal and check if you can open it
  4. Search for documents that have been archived from both, Document Search and within Sage
  5. Print a barcode from within Sage and scan it back in
  6. Test the connections in service address on the server admin and service address on the client admin
  7. Post Upgrade please check the following Log files for any errors
        C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Recognition\Cloud Sync\Logs
        C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Recognition\Post Agent\Logs
  8. Send a document to the Recognition Portal via the "Drag 'n' Drop" function. Send a second document to the Portal using the dedicated email address for the customer site (You can obtain the dedicated email address for the customer from the Server Administration Tooling Recognition Tab>System Configuration>Email Settings>Your monitored Email Address, see screenhsot below)The documents which have been uploaded to the Portal should move through the verification process. 
  9. It would be recommended to advise the customer to run an end-to-end Test to confirm documents can be processed in Web Verify in the usual way and viewed back in Sage200 once Archived. 
  10. If end-to-end testing is confirmed ok, the customer's SPIR is now live once again.

    Knowledge Base Article Details

    Related ProductSpindle Purchase Invoice Recognition
    Ref NumberKBA-11-01-003
    Document Date24/05/2024
    Original AuthorVijay Mistry & Julia Ringrose
    Document Versionv1
    Last updated24/05/2024 
    Update Author

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