
In rare cases some the XML files in C:\Program Data can become corrupted. In this case you may see the following error

Applies to

SDC 1.20



Navigate to the following file location:

C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Capture\Server\Data

In this case the XML file due to corruption will be empty. With the XML file being empty the Service Authorization file cannot validate the users hence the "Root element" issue


Navigate to a working machine which has SDM to SDC installed and navigate to the following file location (or download the file which is attached to this KBA)

C:\ProgramData\Draycir\Spindle Document Capture\Server\Data

Replace the corrupt XML file with the attached one (as you see there are some generic guid's present)

Re-open Server Administration and access the User Profile, this should now allow you to view the users. You may have to re-add the "roles for the users"

Once the roles have been re-added please get user to re-capture documents, this issue should now be resolved.