
There could be instances whereby the a new user who comes to use Spindle Purchase Invoice Recognition receives an error when trying to process a Purchase Invoice through the Recognition Tab in Document Portal. 

Error: "You do not have permissions to use Spindle Purchase Invoice Recognition. Please contact your system administration."


The Recognition role itself is part of "Full" & "Capture" License type of the application.  In this case it would be possible the user in question does not have the correct role assigned to them in User profile in Server Administration 

Applies to:

SDM V7 & V8 (SPIR Module)


1. Access Server Administration on the Server where it has been installed

2. Select the "User Profiles" tab

3. Click on the user in questions profile, select "Edit User", this will bring up the "Edit User Profiles" screen. Under the User profile section we can identify all the roles the user has selected

4. As highlighted the "Recognition" role has not been selected. If the License permits, select the option

5. Once the "Recognition" role has been selected click on "Ok" to close the "Edit User Profile" box.  

6. For the reference the role change of the License will be displayed on the "User Profile" in question 

With the changes made to the user accounts, there is no need to re-start any of the Spindle Document Capture/Spindle Purchase Invoice Recognition services

 7. If Document Portal is currently open on the local machine, it will need to be re-opened in order for the changes to take affect 

8. Once the Document Portal has been re-opened and the "Recognition" option has been selected if documents have been uploaded the user should see them and they are now in a position to process themselves.#

Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductSpindle Purchase Invoice Recognition 
Ref NumberKBA-11-03-009
Document Date18/02/2020
Original AuthorVijay Mistry
Document Versionv1.1
Last updated 
Update Author