
When trying to to verify and post a document a user may see a document fail to post with the error "Licensed number of users already logged in"


The Post Agent service user has been set to use a Standard Sage user license therefore there are no licenses available in order to post a document via Spindle Purchase Invoice Recognition.  

In most cases the Draycir Consultant should have set a "Remote User" role within Sage Server Administration to prevent a user license being taken up. 

Applies to

SDM V7 & V8


1. Create the "Remote User" role within Sage Server Administration similar to below

2. Select the option for “Remote Users Access Only”. (The role must have access to the Sage companies being integrated with SPIR, then it’s just the case of adding the Post Agent service user to this role) 

3. Re-start the Post Agent Service via services.msc

3. The user should now be able to repost the Purchase Invoice in question through the document portal

Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductSpindle Document Distribution
Ref NumberKBA-11-03-003
Document Date04/02/2020
Original AuthorVijay Mistry
Document Versionv1.1
Last updated 
Update Author