
In some cases Purchases Invoices which have been sent to Web Verify may display blank supplier information, therefore not allowing the user the post the document. Tab 1 within Web Verify will highlight the supplier information in red to notify the user there is intervention required. 


The system will expect one of the following pieces of data to be present on both the Purchase Invoice and the supplier account in Sage 200: 






If none of these pieces of Data are present the Supplier information will remain blank. 

The pieces of data stated above is a list which Draycir suggest to follow in order of importance when trying to recognise supplier information in Web Verify

We would suggest in most cases to use the VAT REG NO as this is more commonly filled in then the IBAN. 

Applies to:

SDM V7 & V8 (Using the SPIR Module)


The pieces of data stated above is a list which Draycir suggest to follow in order of importance when trying to recognise supplier information in Web Verify

The most common piece of Information which tends to be used to identify the supplier is the VAT REG NO, as it is unique to each supplier 

Please note (All suppliers who are selling items unless VAT Exempt have a Reg No) Any suppliers outside the UK are not required to provide a VAT REG NO

As highlighted above we can see that there is VAT Reg NO (VAT NO: 906 4094 93)

In this case there is a strong possibility the Supplier account is not populated with VAT REG NO. We can use the F4 search function to confirm the Supplier data.

1. Click in the "Supplier" box and select "F4"

2. The Search box will appear in order for the user to query the supplier information (The Master_Creditor.csv file is queried in order to bring up the information)

3. As the Search function uses a "Fuzzy" logic the Vendor box can be used to Search the supplier. (type in the details of the "Vendor" in the Search box and click on "Search" to query the data)

4. Once the search is completed the results will be returned. (Please note other fields can be used to query the data)

5. As highlighted above we can see that the search does not return a Vat Reg no even though the Purchase Invoice states a VAT No. 

As a result we would ask the client if theire suppliers are VAT registered to add the VAT Reg no to all there suppliers they capture Invoices against in SPIR

6. We would advise the end user to complete this task In Sage. Please see the screenshot in the case of a Support case comes in to assist with.

It is important to note the data will only appear on the next scheduled Draycir Cloud synchronisation process. In most cases this would be the next day. 

7. If there is a requirement to bring in the changes immediately we can re-start the "Draycir Cloud Synchronisation Agent"

Please note any changes made will take 10-15 minutes to be reflected when trying to verify a Purchase Invoice in Web Verify. Any documents which have be uploaded previously and have been in the "Analysing" state will have to be re-uploaded in order for the data to be recognised correctly by SPIR

8. One the Purchase Invoice is re-uploaded into the Document Portal, click on "Verify" and we should now see the supplier information being populated.

By clicking in the "Supplier" box we can see the VAT No has been used to identify the supplier.

Please note that clients who do not have suppliers who user VAT Reg No, we can use a number of training methods on Invoices which contain the following information in order to identify the supplier information. Please contact a Draycir Consultant in order to carry this task out. 





If all the following information has been populated and the supplier information is not recognised, please contact the Draycir support team for further assistance. 

Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductSpindle Purchase Invoice Recognition
Reference NumberKBA-11-03-005
Document Date05/02/2020
Original AuthorVijay Mistry
Document Version1.0
Last Updated 
Update Author