
The possibility of the Order number not being picked up from the Purchase invoice can be narrowed down to a few items. This relays on the process of the data field being present on the document through to naming conventions displayed  



The system will first look for a field header on the invoice that matches one of the default values in the system e.g. ‘Order No’.

Verify will then check the Purchase Order Number it has found on the Purchase Order and search through the master data that has been retrieved from your Sage 200 system to see if the Vendor Number identified on the invoice has a matching Purchase Order Number in the master data file. If it does, the Purchase Order Number will be populated, else it will be blank

Note: We only sync open Purchase Orders from Sage 200.


If the Purchase Order Number is blank, it could be that the master data synchronisation hasn't run, or the service has stopped, or the Purchase Order did not exist in Sage 200 the last time the data was synchronised.

Please try re-synchronising your master data by restarting the Draycir Cloud Synchronisation Agent Windows service.

Resolution 1

If the Purchase Order number is present on the Purchase invoice this can be manually selected to be populated within Tab 1 of Web Verify, this will then change the "Document" type configuration from "InvNoPO as it currently is stated to InvPO

Knowledge Base Article Details

Related ProductSpindle Purchase Invoice Recognition 
Ref NumberKBA-11-03-008
Document Date12/02/2020
Original AuthorVijay Mistry
Document Versionv1.1
Last updated 
Update Author